Welcome to Win Your Wife Back!
Let’s get to work in becoming a strong and loving husband.
Each week you’ll have a new module to review.
You’ll also have a specific task to do each week.
For writing tasks, write them on Google Docs (sign up here) and share them with me at dr.mike@mikefraziermd.com
You can see how to share those documents here.
You’ll have email support from me between each module at dr.mike@mikefraziermd.com.
Please allow 1-2 business days for response (I have to take care of my family first!).
Each Friday you will also have a live Q&A call at 1PM Pacific Time.
You can submit your questions prior to the call at dr.mike@mikefraziermd.com.
We will use a software called Zoom for the calls.
Here is the login info:
Join Zoom Meeting
This link will also let you download the zoom software. You can join by computer or smartphone.
You can also call in.
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 998 770 329
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ad6QTIBCoi
This is where you can ask your specific questions about the program (you can of course also do this at any time via email).
I’m looking forward to hearing your success stories as you go through this program.
Let’s get to work!
Click Here for Week 1 – Write a Moving Apology Letter to Your Wife
Click Here for Week 2 – Be a Man on a Mission
Click Here for Week 3 – Get Mentally Strong (Master Your Thoughts)
Click Here for Week 4 – Get Emotionally Strong (Master Your Emotions)
Click Here for Week 5 – Become a Powerful Communicator
Click Here for Week 6 – Stop Needing Your Wife