My Own Marriage – Low Trust, Low Passion To Best Friends And High Intimacy
As a married man myself, the testimonial of my wife matters the most to me.

We Value Privacy, So Some Reviews Are Anonymous
Low Passion And Intimacy To High Passion And Intimacy
Justin’s Story. From This…
To This…
View the full interview here or listen here.
“Miraculous” Changes

Mike – Low Intimacy To “Us vs The World”
I felt stuck in our marriage. The intimacy was infrequent, and not where I wanted it to be.
I was frustrated because I wasn’t sure what tangible “next steps” I needed to do. I had read plenty of books and had some success but I still felt “stuck” and “frustrated” because of the regressions we would have. Things would be great and then, back to her being walled off and upset.
I liked that this program had tangible steps and action items for me to do. It also had accountability to make sure I got things done.
One big milestone for me was writing the apology letter – that made a monumental difference.
Things are REALLY good right now in my marriage and the trajectory is even better. We are lightyears from where we were. I feel like it’s finally “mature love”, or whatever you want to call it and now it’s like couples tennis. Us vs the world. We still have regressions and conflict – but they are less frequent and we get thru them faster, and we are able to finally start to thrive in our marriage and it feels like there is room for each of us in the marriage, and the intimacy is better than ever.
Always Chasing And Being Turned Down To Wife Initiating Sex

Wife Noticing Changes In Just A Few Days

Wife Inspired By Her Husband’s Changes To Change Herself

Kurt – Wife Says This Program Is “The Magic Pill” After 34 Years Of Marriage
I’m grateful for what the Strong Man/Strong Marriage program has done for our marriage and myself personally. I’ve lived the entire 34 years of our marriage in the Mosquito Cycle. During all those years I had no idea of the pain i was inflicting upon my wife. I was constantly putting both of us at odds with one another, fully believing I was doing the right thing. When I discovered your program and listened to a couple of your podcasts, I realized I was “that guy”. Things continued to get worse and I finally decided to pay the price and sign up. I took the program seriously and did my best to follow it as I had agreed to do, for 90 days.
It didn’t take long for both of us to start seeing differences in my behavior. The major change came when I started learning about the apology letter. As I viewed examples, I had a personal “meltdown” moment (more like several hours). I realized, in a way I never have before, just how wrong I’ve been; just how much damage I’ve caused. When I wrote and presented my letter do my dear wife, I truly experienced a change of heart. As you explained to me in the beginning, the idea is to actually change our way of thinking. As I worked through the program, and put the principles and habits to work, I have changed. I no longer think the same way I have for so many years. This has been such a blessing to both of us! My wife and I are now much closer, and she has expressed that she never wants to go back to the way things were before.
After years of studying marriage materials, seeing marriage counselors, and praying for change, I finally found something that has truly made a difference. My wife calls it “The Magic Pill”. We are both grateful. Thanks again Dr. Mike!
From “Mercy Sex” to Passionate Sex

Frequent “No’s” And Criticism To “Morning Sex”

Artie’s Story – Pornography To Real Intimacy
From low passion, pornography and near divorce to incredible intimacy.
Affair Recovery

Richard And Tammy – Infidelity And Separation To Intimacy
He was unfaithful, they were separated. After learning the principles, they were happy and more intimately connected than ever.
Aaron’s Story – Sexual and Emotional Infidelity And Separation – Wife Filed For Divorce To Best Connection They’ve Ever Had
Aaron was sexually unfaithful. His wife was emotionally unfaithful. Now they’re more connected than ever.

Michael’s Story – Infidelity To Intimacy
He was unfaithful and had spiritual and faith questions, specifically LDS.
He and his wife became more spiritually and sexually connected than ever.
Michael sent me this email a few weeks into the program:

Ending Separation
Simon – Separated And Divorce Papers Filed To Moving In Together, Her Initiating Sex
Reconciling From 500 Miles Apart To Intimacy

Josh’s Story – Separating Bank Accounts To Connection In 2 Weeks
Josh went from separating assets to the best emotional and sexual connection he had EVER had.
“OK” – From sleeping in a shed to mental, emotional and physical intimacy

Jamie’s Story – Wife Left Her “Other Man” To Be With Him Again
Jamie’s wife had left and chosen to pursue another man. Now they have more intimacy than ever before.

Brian – Wife Emotional Affair And Separation To Passionate Connection

Chuck – Separated To Happier Than Ever

Edgar – Separated To Reconnected

Steven’s Story – Increased Financial Success From The Strong Man System Principles
Steven added $150,000 plus to his income in the year we worked together

A Better Marriage After Divorce
Unfortunately, it does happen that a wife sometimes chooses to divorce her husband despite him becoming a stronger and better version of himself.
But, the future is bright for these men, as they are stronger and more attractive than 99.99% of men out there.
Scott’s Story – Divorced Then Remarried To Higher Passion

Jeff’s Story – Divorced Then Remarried With An Amazing Woman
An amazing marriage after divorce
Milosz’s Story – Divorced Now Engaged To An Amazing Woman
Milosz worked the system, but his wife chose not to stay with him. After grieving, he built an incredible relationship with his daughters and son, and is now engaged to an amazing woman.

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Branden – Off Track To Connected

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