Write your personal mission statement
This week we’ll be creating our “guiding star” to help us become the man we want to be.
We’ll be figuring out exactly the type of man we want to become, and apologizing to those we have hurt as we have failed to be this main in the past.
Step 1: Watch this video
Step 2 – Review this template for your letter to your wife for the week
Step 3 – Write your mission statement and apology letter on Google Docs
Write your mission statement and apology letter on Google Docs (or letters if you have kids or others you are writing them to).
Step 4 – Share your letter with me at dr.mike@mikefraziermd.com. (see this video to see how to share the document ).
Make sure to allow me to edit the document.
I will edit it using “suggest” mode. You will approve suggestions.
Step 5 – Share your mission statement and letter with your wife
Either in person or by sending it to her, depending on her response to your request and situation.
Step 6 – Repeat this process for each of your children and any others you need to apologize to
If you have children, repeat this same process for each of them individually.
You may find as you do this that you have other people, like people from work, church or the community, parents, siblings, etc. that you should also apologize to.
Write those letters as well.
Note: I will only review the apology letter to your wife.
Step 7 – Daily review and visualization
Every morning, spend time reviewing your main roles and plan for how to be the best you can be in those.
Pray to see yourself, your spouse, your kids and others as God sees you.
See how you can serve your wife and children, body, mind, heart and spirit.
Visualize what your perfect life and relationships will look like.
At the end of the day, do a mental review to see how you could have improved.
Step 8 – Share your correction stories with your wife and children
As you make corrections outside the home (at work, from your past, at community responsibilities, with other family, at church, etc.) share those stories with your wife and children so they can see you are changing not just at home, but everywhere else.
Remember, you have access to me at dr.mike@mikefraziermd.com for questions!
I’m looking forward to your letter!