Strong Men Strong Marriages Podcast

Am I A Sex Addict? How To Deal With Sexual Urges For Other Women

Am I A Sex Addict? How To Deal With Sexual Urges For Other Women

As men, we have sexual urges MANY times throughout the day.

For some of us, we have used pornography as a way to deal with negative emotion… which brings on more negative emotion… which makes us want to use pornography even more.

This cycle could accurately be called a sexual addiction.

Is there a way to break out of it?

And are there ways to use our sexuality for good?

The answer is: YES!

Find out how here: 

Listen on Strong Men Strong Marriages Podcast


-Your sexuality is an important part of you

-Ask yourself “how do I want to use my sexuality?”

-Use the answer to guide your sexual behaviors

-Sex addiction stems from an inability to tolerate negative emotion

-Learn to name, feel and deal with the emotions, instead of running from them


P.S. The Super Man System is open until TOMORROW at MIDNIGHT. If you want a structured system to build your physical, mental, emotional and sexual strength, sign up now! I GUARANTEE you will feel STRONGER and MORE ATTRACTIVE than you EVER have. Check it out here

What To Do When Your Wife Wants To Leave

When your wife tells you she wants to leave, it can be DEVASTATING.

Luckily, there are specific strategies that you can use to get through this…

AND feel STRONG and CONFIDENT again.

These same things are also the things MOST LIKELY to win her back.

Watch here:

Listen here:



-Allow yourself to FEEL the negative emotions

-Realize that you CAN feel strong and confident… no matter what she’s doing

-Try to UNDERSTAND her deeply

-Let her know you choose her, but you understand if she doesn’t choose you or if it’s too late


-Build up your STRENGTH (spiritual, mental, emotional, physical)

-Have FAITH that good WILL come as you focus on becoming the BEST version of yourself. Because it WILL!

P.S. If you haven’t yet, make sure to check out my Win Your Wife Back Workshop. It’s only available until June 11.

How To Solve ANY Problem In Your Marriage

How To Solve ANY Marriage Problem… My #1 Coaching Tool

No matter WHAT is happening in your marriage, whether it’s..


-I love you but I’m not in love with you

-Poor communication

-Conflicts about sex

-”I’m not sure why I feel the way I feel…” 

This tool will help you know EXACTLY…

1. What is CAUSING the problem in your marriage

2. What you can do to solve it

This is the #1 tool I use with my clients (and on myself).



-Situation (facts only)

-Thought (what you tell yourself about what happened)


-Action (what you do)

-Intention (why you do it)

-Result (what happens)


How to Win Back Your Wife’s Love and Trust – Even After Infidelity

How to Win Back Your Wife’s Trust and Love – Including the #1 Phrase I Tell My Clients To Use

If you have lost your wife’s trust or love…

Either by something BIG (like an affair)…

Or by not doing the “little things” over time…

There is a PROVEN strategy to win back that trust and love.

And, there is ONE phrase that can SPEED UP that process.

Watch this video to see how:

If you have lost your wife’s trust or love…

Either by something BIG (like an affair)…

Or by not doing the “little things” over time…

There is a PROVEN strategy to win back that trust and love.

And, there is ONE phrase that can SPEED UP that process.


-Trust and love are LOST by breaking promises, big or small

-Trust cannot be GIVEN

-You have to EARN it by making and keeping small promises over time. Like building a house brick by brick

-You must COMMIT to becoming a man of your word, and acting as the best version of yourself, EVEN and ESPECIALLY when you are not getting what you are hoping for from your wife.

If you enjoy the episode, make sure to leave a review in iTunes and share with a friend, so we can create stronger men and stronger marriages across the world.

And, if you are ready to take your strength training and your marriage to the next level, visit work with me to learn how.

I’ll see you there!


How To Stop REPELLING Your Wife… The Tale Of The Mosquito And The Dictator

Is your wife EXCITED to see you every day?

Does she tell her friends how great you are?

Does she tell your boys to be just like you, and your daughters to marry someone just like you?

If not, you may be acting like a DICTATOR or MOSQUITO… and not even know it.

See how you might be REPELLING your wife… and how to fix it in this episode.


-When you don’t have a strong sense of self-worth, you tend to try to borrow it from your wife

-You can do that by putting her down (dictator), or by constantly trying to get her attention, appreciation and affection (mosquito)

-Often we switch between mosquito (bending over backwards for our wife) to dictator when our mosquito ways aren’t getting enough attention

-The solution is finding love and respect for yourself that is EQUAL to your wife

-Ask just right, listen just right, give just right

If you enjoy the episode, make sure to leave a review in iTunes and share with a friend, so we can create stronger men and stronger marriages across the world.

How Doing “Nice Things” For Your Wife Can Cause Problems

Can you do something nice for your wife… but STILL cause problems in your marriage?


See how doing the dishes (or other “nice” things) can either HELP or HURT your marriage.

It all depends on how you SEE your wife.


-Concepts from the book Leadership and Self-Deception from The Arbinger Institute

-When you see your wife as a PERSON, you see her as HER OWN PERSON and someone you can serve

-When you see her as an OBJECT, you see her as a vehicle, an obstacle, or irrelevant

-You can still do “nice things” (like the dishes)  but to GET something from her. This leads to PROBLEMS in the marriage.

-When you don’t get the attention, appreciation or affection you want, you tend to see her as an OBSTACLE and start getting upset, disengaged, etc.

-The solution: Choose to SERVE because you want to GIVE. Because you want to be that guy. Not because you want to GET or want her to ACT or FEEL a certain way.

-This is also the MOST LIKELY way you will get attention, appreciation and affection FREELY GIVEN.

If you enjoy the episode, make sure to leave a review in iTunes and share with a friend, so we can create stronger men and stronger marriages across the world.

Why you must STOP trying to make your wife happy

Why You Must STOP Trying to Make Your Wife Happy

You’ve heard “Happy Wife, Happy Life.”

Trying to live that phrase sent me to my car SCREAMING.

Learn from this video why you must STOP trying to make your wife happy… 

And what to do instead.


-You can’t control other people’s emotions… even their good ones

-When you try, you are doomed to fail… AND you are being “manipulative,” which is unattractive

-The solution is NOT to say “screw you, I’ll do what I want.”

-It’s about sharing your TRUE self, serving because you want to be that guy, and finding solutions that are a win for BOTH of you… not a SACRIFICE that benefits one person and not the other

Stay strong!


Why Your Wife CAN NOT Make You Happy

If you find yourself saying “if my wife would just…”

  • Appreciate me more
  • Respect me more
  • Have sex with me more, etc.

You are falling victim to the common MYTH that your wife has to act certain ways for you to be happy.

Find out how this belief is driving your wife AWAY and is REMOVING your power and strength… 

and what to do instead so you can feel STRONG and POWERFUL and ATTRACT your wife to you.

If you enjoy the episode, make sure to leave a review in iTunes and share with a friend, so we can create stronger men and stronger marriages across the world.

And, if you are ready to take your strength training and your marriage to the next level, visit to learn how.

I’ll see you there!


How to Succeed in Marriage… No Matter What Your Spouse Does

Many people define success in marriage as loving and being loved, having great communication, or, my favorite, making our spouse happy.

Unfortunately, these definitions often result in RESENTMENT and CONFLICT in marriage.

See how to define success so that you ALWAYS win, no matter what your spouse does.

P.S. This is also the MOST LIKELY way to get the attention, appreciation and affection that you’re wanting from your spouse.