This title was hard for me to write.
Being a husband and father are two of the most important roles that I have as a man.
But, those roles are not ALL of who I am.
And, even if I do poorly in those roles…
Or walk away from them all together…
I still have value.
This was a BIG breakthrough for me and I’d love to share it with you.
Listen on Strong Men Strong Marriages here:
Watch on YouTube here.
-God STILL cares about me (and you) even if I don’t do a good job as a husband and father
-Even if I walk away completely from my family, God will STILL care for me and send people to help me
-This actually gives me MORE motivation and LESS pressure to be a good husband and father
P.S. Will today be the day YOU decide to build up your strength and create a stronger, more joyful, and more intimate marriage… no matter how bad (or good) it is right now? CLICK HERE to join The Strong Man System. And I’ll see you inside.