As a professional person, you know how to work hard towards a goal.
You’ve reached success in many areas of your life… which is why having marriage challenges is so frustrating.
Fortunately, just like there was a path to success in your career, there is a path to success in your marriage.
There are a specific set of skills you need to learn to succeed in marriage.
These skills involve developing mental, emotional, spiritual and sexual strength.
These are skills that are not taught in school, but are skills that I was able to learn and use in my training in neuroscience and psychiatry.
There is a lot out there that doesn’t work.
But, there are certain skills and tools that do.
I have seen them work in my own marriage (more about my journey here) and in the marriages of others I have worked with (see results here).
And I’m so excited to share those with you.
When both of you are willing to work on your marriage, amazing things can happen.
I’ve developed a specific system called The Super Marriage System that helps couples:
- Overcome past hurts… including infidelity
- Restore trust after trust has been broken
- Reach new levels of intimacy and connection
- Feel loved, safe and protected in their marriage
- Enjoy fun, passion and excitement with each other
- Set an example to their children and future generations
And, you can learn all the skills to get here in just 8 weeks
Everything is completely confidential, so you don’t have to worry about anyone else learning about your marriage problems.
Here’s the story of one of my favorite couples I’ve worked with.
They had a lot to overcome, but they followed the System and created intimacy and passion again.
My goal is for this to be the best 45 minutes you’ve spent on your marriage, whether we work together afterwards or not.
Or, schedule your time on the calendar below:
Meetings take place over a video conferencing software called Zoom. It works on your smartphone or your computer like Skype or FaceTime.
You will receive an email with the link to join over Zoom once your free consult is scheduled.
I look forward to speaking with you soon!