You have taken a huge step in recovery from infidelity in your marriage.
I want to remind you again that YOU CAN DO THIS!
I’m excited to share tools with you that have helped the couples I’ve worked with, the couples Charise has worked with, and that have helped our own marriages.
You’ll be receiving an email with your login information for the webinar shortly.
As a reminder, the dates are:
Friday, September 20th from 4:30PM to 7:00PM Pacific Time.
Saturday, September 21st from 9:30AM to 12PM and from 2PM to 4PM.
You’ll be learning…
-How to rebuild trust after infidelity
-How to communicate in a way that brings closeness instead of more fighting
-How to approach touch and sexuality again… without setting off triggers
-How to use this difficult situation as an opportunity for more connection (I know that sounds crazy now, but it is possible)
And much, much more!
If you have to miss a session, don’t worry. You will get the recordings of all the sessions, and the resources used, at the end of the seminar.
Here’s to a bright future for you and your marriage!